Sinus Center of Excellence

Dr. Alen Cohen serves as director of a Stryker/Entellus designated National Sinus Center of Excellence. This means that Dr. Cohen is a national instructor teaching other doctors how to properly and effectively perform the in-office Balloon Sinus Dilation procedure in the office under local anesthesia as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with other procedures like submucous resection of the turbinates or minimally invasive image-guided sinus surgery as a hybrid procedure to safely improve patient lives and outcomes permanently. As such Dr. Cohen not only has been performing these procedures since 2009 and has logged thousands of in-office procedures, but has also mastered the technique being performed safely and effectively with ease for permanent results. The center also houses the finest and most state of the art equipment to perform these procedures like the Fiagon image-guidance system which allows the patient’s CT scan to be loaded on a computer enabling targeted dilation and opening of all the sinuses to be performed safely and with precision.
Lastly as a nationwide Sinus Center of Excellence, Dr. Cohen and his institute serve as a training site for Peer-to-Peer Education which connects physicians with peers who have successfully transitioned sinusitis treatment from an operating room setting in a hospital or surgery center to an in-office setting. As such Dr. Cohen provides training and education by hosting fellow ENT specialists in the office to see cases and share best practices on procedural techniques for Balloon Sinus Dilation (also known as Balloon Sinuplasty) and on the integration and performance of balloon sinus dilation procedures in the office. He also advises other physicians on how to safely perform in-office submucous resection of the turbinates, concha bullosa reduction, polypectomy, septoplasty and minimally invasive image-guided sinus surgery in combination with balloon sinuplasty when necessary.
Thus you know you’re in good hands with Dr. Alen Cohen and the Southern California Sinus Institute in Los Angeles when other surgeons come to him to be trained on these procedures!