Sinuplasty is a quick and minimally invasive way to treat recurrent sinus infections, chronic sinusitis, daily sinus headaches and chronic nasal congestion. Though the procedure is very safe and effective, there are some things patients should and shouldn’t do to prevent complications that can interfere with their sinuplasty recovery and results. Dr. Alen Cohen provides Southern California Sinus Institute sinuplasty patients with custom aftercare instructions to follow for the first few weeks of recovery to minimize the risk of complications and ensure optimal results. Patients should also use the following sinuplasty recovery tips to resume breathing and sleeping easily and normally as quickly as possible.

Arrange Transportation

Sinuplasty patients are advised not to drive to or home after their procedure because it takes time for medications to wear off. They impair cognitive and motor functions and increase the risk of injury or complications to the treatment site. Patients should have a responsible driver bring them and take them home to ensure their safety and comfort. Cotton balls in the nose after the procedure Dr. Cohen places small cotton balls in each nose after the sinuplasty procedure to prevent oozing and drainage. The majority of patient can remove it the same evening before sleep or early the next morning. It’s normal to have some mucusy and bloody drainage for 1-2 days after the procedure like a sinus cold.

Rest and Recover sinuplasty recovery

Treatment outcomes are not just dependent on Dr. Cohen’s exceptional and world-renowned skills, but also the type of procedure performed and the patient’s health status. How well patients take care of themselves after sinuplasty, follow medication instructions and follow the rinsing instructions also significantly impacts their results. Balloon sinus surgery is a medical procedure that requires a day or two of downtime for patients to heal and recover. During the post-operative phase of balloon sinuplasty, Dr. Cohen recommends patients to avoid blowing their nose or any vigorous exercise for 3 days but normal walking and going out to dinner or malls is fine. Patients usually return to work within 24-48 hours of the procedure in Dr. Alen Cohen’s hand. Full results are seen 3-4 weeks after the procedure when all is fully healed after rinsing properly.

Elevate the Head

Some mild swelling, soreness, discharge, and inflammation are normal after sinuplasty. These effects are temporary for 12-24 hours usually, but they do take some time to go away fully. To prevent additional or prolonged swelling, stuffiness, or discomfort in the sinus cavities and nostrils and to help promote proper healing, Dr. Cohen advises patients to keep their heads elevated when laying down for 24 hours after the procedure.

Increase Hydration

When dealing with sinus and upper respiratory infections and recovering from balloon sinuplasty, it is important to increase fluids to prevent dehydration and keep the nasal airways from drying out. Patients may find it challenging to breathe through their noses immediately afterward and for the first few days after treatment. Mouth breathing and dry mouth are common for 24-72 hrs. In some cases, snoring may occur. Increase fluid, fruit, and vegetable intake to keep the membranes in the mouth, sinus cavities, and nostrils from drying out to make breathing through the nose easier.

Patients should refrain from some foods and beverages, especially spicy or carbonated items, as they have a drying effect on the body and can irritate the nasal tissues and impair the healing process. Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine are also to be avoided for 3 days until sinuplasty recovery is complete to prevent balloon sinuplasty complications. Proper hydration is necessary to keep the membranes in the nose and airways healthy and prevent infections.

Inform Dr. Cohen of Concerns

Throughout the recovery process, sinuplasty patients should pay close attention to their noses and monitor themselves to ensure their recovery progress as expected. Post-operative balloon sinuplasty effects, such as light bleeding or discharge, congestion, fatigue, and soreness, may occur and are completely normal. Some patients may find these symptoms alarming and unpleasant to deal with but they’re totally normal. Following all aftercare instructions especially with the medicated sinus rinses and discussing any concerns with Dr. Cohen can minimize any of these issues. Patients should inform Dr. Cohen right away if concerns are still present after several days or if they develop an increase in pain, discharge, bleeding, or a sudden inability to taste or smell after a week.

Follow Medication Management Protocols

sinuplasty recovery Sinuplasty patients are advised to use and avoid certain medications to prevent complications that could ruin their results or lead to complications. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and blood thinners are not safe for sinus and balloon surgery patients for a few days before and after the procedure. Dr. Cohen can recommend safer alternatives for anyone who currently uses those or other medications that could lead to adverse reactions to manage their health until recovery is complete.

Patients should inform Dr. Cohen if they plan to use remedies and over-the-counter medications, nasal sprays, and allergy treatments to ensure they don’t interfere with recovery. Medication recommendations are determined based on each patient’s medical history and current needs. Some mild pain, soreness, and discomfort may occur after sinus surgery which Tylenol usually addresses. Patients may be prescribed pain analgesics, steroids, rinses and antibiotics to prevent infection and facilitate a swift recovery.

For more sinus surgery or sinuplasty recovery tips, call Dr. Alen Cohen at the Southern California Sinus Institute today at (818) 888-7878 to get the help you deserve to breathe and feel better!