The Success Rate of Turbinate Reduction Procedures

The Success Rate of Turbinate Reduction Procedures

Have you ever heard of Turbinate Reduction? It is a treatment that reduces the size of your turbinates. Turbinates are structures in the nose that can cause nasal obstruction when enlarged, inflamed, or infected. By reducing their size, patients experience less...
What are the Risks of Balloon Sinuplasty?

What are the Risks of Balloon Sinuplasty?

More patients are being asked about the risks of balloon sinuplasty, as more patients finding results with this procedure. One of the biggest questions and concerns specialists are receiving is the risks of balloon sinuplasty and knowing what they are. No matter how...
Is Balloon Sinuplasty Safe?

Is Balloon Sinuplasty Safe?

Studies show that sinusitis affects about 30 million adults every year in the United States alone. Its impact in the economy is so huge that it receives a broad research focus. Due to the vast amounts of research conducted on sinusitis, we now know how to treat it and...
Congestion After Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction

Congestion After Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction

Experiencing congestion after a procedure that was initially done to reduce congestion can be quite frustrating. Not only can it feel a little disheartening, but it can make you question whether your septoplasty procedure or turbinate reduction was worth it to begin...
Enlarged Turbinate and Deviated Septum

Enlarged Turbinate and Deviated Septum

Experiencing nasal congestion all the time can become frustrating when you’re experiencing it around the clock. There’s nothing fun about feeling stuffy or like you’re not getting enough oxygen when you try to breathe. For some, it’s as simple...